Welcome to Direct College Connect. the most extensive database listing of colleges and universities on the web. Please navigate through the sections and view the schools we currently offer. Our schools consist of Community Colleges, 4-year institutions, Graduate Schools, Trade Schools, Career Schools, Tech Schools, etc. Any type of school you are looking for is sure to be featured on The College Educator.
Knowing what career path interests you helps you select the proper college or university. To help you get a better understanding of the career opportunities out there, we have put together some information that will help you choose an area your interested in. Not all jobs require the same degree, so it is important to know what education background is required or recommended for your area of expertise. We have collected information such as salary expectations, educational requirements, future career opportunities or advancements, states that are popular for that type of employment, etc. Look to see what your interests are and what the future holds for you.