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Portland State University Online Schools

Online School

School Description

Provided by Portland State University Online Schools
Attending Portland State University's evening, weekend, and online extended campus program ensures that your classes are taught by Portland State faculty and that the degree you earn comes from Oregon's largest and most diverse university.

Nationally acclaimed for the quality and depth of its undergraduate curriculum and for the excellence of its faculty, Portland State University maintains deep connections with the professional community that enable you to pursue your studies with a broad, practical perspective.

Portland State faculty members enrich Oregon's professional community: sitting on boards, serving as consultants and working in the arts, sciences, and social sciences. They will challenge, encourage, and support you—all while respecting the demands of your life outside the classroom.

Courses are offered in a flexible format sensitive to your scheduling constraints and through multiple modes of teaching and learning. All classes are offered evenings, weekends, or online. Although all classes are standard University courses, you meet and interact with instructors and other students in unique ways. In addition to the traditional classroom, you may engage in dialogue via email, online discussions, and video-conferencing.
